Productivity, How Can You Improve It?

Gaurav Kumar
4 min readDec 28, 2021

Do you frequently find yourself losing control of your workday? You begin each day with the intention of doing a great deal, but quickly find yourself side-tracked, focusing on low-priority activities, and just delaying.

So, how can you reclaim control over your time? You can end every workday with a satisfied sigh of relief, knowing that you completed all the tasks on your to-do list.

And knowing that you were at the top of your creative game, doing your chores efficiently and brilliantly. Do you hear yourself whistling as you leave work?

You may be the star of this productivity movie, rather than the other version in which you end the day fatigued and slumped over a desk piled high with unfinished assignments. If you don’t like the way your normal weekday goes, there is a way to change it.

Most of us aren’t as productive as we may be for two reasons: we have terrible habits that impede our professional productivity, and we’re reactive rather than proactive, putting Instead of making progress towards our goals, we are putting out flames

If not necessarily simple, the solution is easy. Taking charge of our workday by replacing bad habits and reactive patterns may allow us to be proactive and less reactive.

Follow these productivity techniques to become your best, most productive self at work.

1. Put an end to multitasking:

It is a productivity killer. According to research, the mental barriers that occur when people switch activities can lower productivity by up to 40%. Even more striking, in a University of London research, some multitasking men’s IQ plummeted by 15 points.

Do you require further proof? Multitasking may be detrimental to your brain’s health.

The study discovered that those who were addicted to using numerous gadgets at the same time had decreased Gray-matter density in a brain region called the anterior cingulate cortex, which is associated with emotional regulation and decision-making, empathy, and the brain’s response to rewards.

Stop attempting to achieve everything at once. Instead, focus your entire concentration on one work at a time to drastically enhance productivity.

2. Complete the most important activities while you are the most attentive:

We all put off huge ambitions because we’re not sure we’ll be able to complete them… And by the time we get to them, we’re too exhausted from the day to give them the attention they require.

That’s how projects wind up extending into extra days, giving the impression that production has vanished.

Understanding when and how you work best is critical to completing large tasks on schedule. There is no one-size-fits-all timetable… If you are a morning person, handle the major responsibilities first thing in the morning.

3. Get Plenty of Sleep:

Did you know that 70% of the people admit to falling asleep at work? People are falling asleep at work simply because they need to. Because of early-morning commutes, lengthy job hours, and too many obligations at home, an increasing number of individuals aren’t getting enough sleep.

We’re all aware that not getting enough sleep has a bad impact on our effectiveness in all aspects of our life.

However, it has an even higher influence in the workplace since the prefrontal cortex, which assists us with jobs that involve logical thinking and complicated thought, is harmed by lack of sleep, and will hamper us while attempting to do such duties.

As a result, it is critical that we all receive adequate sleep every night in order to maintain peak productivity. If you’re an adult between the ages of 26 and 64, it means getting between 7–9 hours of sleep every night.

When organizing your day, make sure that everything on your to-do list is accomplished in time for you to obtain between 7–9 hours of sleep every night.

4. Be optimistic:

People who are happy are more productive. Optimists in the tested group produced more sales and received higher incentives, according to the findings of a Maastricht University research on optimism and performance in call centers.

More particular, only dispositional optimists fared better. The authors of the research describe dispositional optimism as a general expectation of pleasant outcomes over unfavorable ones in life.

If you aren’t inherently optimistic, this is the attitude you want to cultivate — and the good news is, you can.

5. Establish small goals:

Looking at our objectives might be daunting at times. Having a number of large tasks on our calendar might be difficult… However, if you divide it into little jobs, you will feel more in control and be lot more productive.

Break the project down into all the tasks that will be required, instead of writing “complete project.” This will keep you on track in your daily activities and make larger jobs appear less intimidating.

Finally, take care of yourself. Getting adequate sleep and incorporating exercise into your daily routine are just two of the things you must do to be at your best and most productive. You’re probably aware of the rest:

· Maintain a healthy diet.

· Consume plenty of water.

· Get rid of your negative habits, whether it’s smoking or spending time with toxic individuals.

· Please be kind to yourself as well as others. Take some time out for yourself and perform whatever (good) activity recharges and replenishes you.

The better your health, the more productive you will be. And the more effective you are at work; the more time you will have to spend on whatever you choose. Tune is for more such articles and stories.

